If you’re interested in having a part-time job during university that is both flexible and rewarding, then becoming a student brand ambassador is for you.

You can apply to become a brand ambassador in just a few steps:

1.Make Your Profile

First, fill out a few details about yourself in this application form. This includes your name, email address and what university you attend. This step should only take a few minutes - or about the length of one song!

2.Apply for available roles

Once you’ve made your profile, you’ll be able to apply for available brand ambassador roles. You can apply for one available role at a time, providing that your profile meets the eligibility requirements. 

The application usually involves answering a few questions about yourself, your time at university, and why you're interested in the brand ambassador position.

Remember that even if you can’t see any available roles that you’re interested in, we regularly add new brand ambassador roles throughout the year. Once you’ve made a profile, we recommend that you sign up for email alerts so that you’ll be the first to know when a new role goes live at your uni.

3.Upload your two-minute introduction video

If you’re successful in the first application stage, most applications will require you to upload a two-minute introduction video. This is one of the final steps in the hiring process.

This is a chance for us to get to know you, and for you to introduce yourself. For certain roles,  you’ll also have the chance to answer some questions from your potential employer.

Feel free to get creative, but don’t worry if you’re not a filmmaker: you can record your introduction video on your mobile phone, and it will only be viewed by the hiring team.

4.Interview or additional steps (for certain employers)

The video application is the final step in the hiring process for most brand ambassadors.

However for some specific employers, you may need to complete an interview with the employer, or answer some specific questions e.g. the Watson Glaser Test for certain law campaigns. You’ll have access to a range of support from our team throughout this process.

5.You’re hired! Attend your fully-paid training session

Congratulations! You’ll hear from our team once you’re successfully hired, and the next step will involve arranging your training session.

For multi-employer brand ambassadors, this will usually consist of an online training session with a member of our team that lasts around an hour. 

Single-employer brand ambassadors will be invited to attend an in-person training day at the office headquarters of the employer you’ll be representing.

Don’t worry about the journey to the office though: we’ll reimburse your travel expenses up to £100! You’ll also be paid your full hourly wage for your training day.


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